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The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

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You’ve probably seen GDPR mentioned a lot recently. Maybe you’ve received many emails from all kinds of websites asking you to give fresh consent to stay on their marketing email lists? Or you’ve seen a lot more notices on websites talking about GDPR? Or you’ve seen lots of updates to privacy policies from sites you’ve probably forgotten even existed?

Well, this is all part of the the new regulations which come into force on 25th May, 2018.

So, what does this mean for you?

First of all, we have done everything needed to be ready for the new regulations. We have a new Privacy Notice explaining how we handle your data and will continue to monitor the requirements and make sure we remain ready. But, we’ve not actually changed how we operate as we were already doing things right. We’ve simply documented everything.

What do you need to do?

Well, there isn’t a simple answer to this. There isn’t a ‘one solution suits all’. But, you can’t just ignore it.

First of all, visit the ICO’s website – the Information Commissioner’s Office. They have lots of information all about the GDPR and what you need to do. Make sure you understand your obligations and take the necessary action.

But, don’t panic. There is a wealth of information online which will help you get ready. Yes, there isn’t long now but that doesn’t mean you’re too late.